Niles begged and pleaded for his life soooo well that it almost makes Katelyn want to give into him. She tells him no. The reason she has little little shrunken slaves like him is because she has a sexiness and a thirst that involves her eating lil' little slaves his size for her happiness, pleasure, and consumption. The game is predator and prey. She explains how the predator might feel a little bad for catching her prey and the process of a Giantess listening to her prey beg, scream, and plead does sometime woo her to stop. But no. Katelyn is strong and has never backed out of eating her prey. She MUST feed. Katelyn then explains something about food to her little shrunken prey. Gratefully, she has food too which permits her to balance her meals. Just one shrunken person a day pleases her thirst and food takes care of the rest of the meals. However, she MUST feed on at least one shrunken person a day. And it wouldnt be fair for her to release him and choose another after shes already made up her mind, now would it. No, that would not be fair to the others. The others are very joyful that its not their turn yet. She then goes through with it. She holds little lil' shrunken slave Niles high above her enormous wide open mouth and tells him to say the last words of his life, high above her mouth. After her spine chilling last words to him she then drops him into her mouth. She lies back on her couch and squirms in pleasure while rubbing her belly. Her hips sway back and forth, by the looks and the sound of it you can tell how satisfied eating him has made her. Katelyn continues to talk to him even after hes been eaten. She can feel him sliding slowly down her throat! She moans and groans in pleasure as she pushes him down her throat even more! She then no longer feels him in her throat any more and moans some more because that means within minutes, his little tiny life is going to be nothing more than a snack for her body.