Princess Serena: Im wearing my dearest sneakers today. I wear these Adidas sneakers almost every day, even when playing football. The sneakers smell strong and are dusty. A foot slave will now smooch my sneakers and gobble them clean with his tongue. As always, slave tongues are just washcloths and cleaning cloths for me. So do this job to my satisfaction, slave! I am a princess. After the slave has slurped the dusty sneakers clean, he can take off my socks with his teeth and smell them. He can taste my socks and start to smell on my bare feet. He can now lick and taste my bare feet. My soles have to be licked. He has to suck on my toes, preferably all 10 toes together. Lick slave, lick my beautiful sweaty feet.
Rosalie’s Feet In Your Face – High... Rosalie knows how bad it is hard for you to control yourself when its all about ...
Sleeping In Katelyn’s Arm Pit Guh, you a little bugperson were pretty much attacking Katelyns arm pit while ...
Moxxi Sits On A Boy Moxxi’s Edition Moxxi just sits on the skinny boys chest texting away as she entirely ignores ...
I Cover His Face In Spit How much drool can the slave treat? Im going to find out! I place a petite stool ...
Ich Beende Deine Ehe Du Versager Du beginnst mich zu langweilen kleiner Loser und deine stndigen Ausreden wegen ...
Mistress Gaia – Dirty Shoe Sock Licker CUSTOM REQUEST - Please can you make a clip with slave worshiping, and licking ...
Footjob 42 plumber comes in Foot Job enjoyment!
Xana Get Robin – Ankle Choke Xana choking Robin with crossed ankles...
Electro Fun My slave does not know the Magic Wand yet. This one has a superb electric ...
Kaffeepause Fr Loser Du willst auch so einen schnen Cappuccino wie deine heie Chefin? Schluck das ...