Today also our sweet Sneaker-Girl Sophia will take this well known exam, that so many of her colleagues had passed already the BABYLECT! But - BABYLECT - what does that mean? Yes - it is an abbreviation - for the BAREFOOT-BIG- YELLOW-LEGO-EXCAVATOR-CRUSH-TEST! Ah - you can reminisce - good boy - ideal fan! Today it is Sophias part to perform this interesting exam. To give more thrill to you, she just has painted her toenails black - to make them look more powerful, more devastating. Not truly necessary - because you might know her and her unbelievable feet. So lean back and watch her feet completely dismantle this large LEGO model. Of course she will pass the test with a perfect grading. Look these toes performing grips like hydraulic scissors, enjoy these soft soles pressing down like steam-hammers. And feel overwhelmed by watching the LEGO model being crushed and broken into a pile of plastic splints - under real dream-feet! OH - WHAT A TEST!
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