Squeezed Until He Pukes June 14, 2020 Disclaimer Dont worry guys. No puke is seen in the clip! Was acted out realistically for the scene. Mistress Suzy is ready to inflict serious torment…
I Hate You – Yes You June 8, 2019 Oh and lets get something clear already. I dont hate all of you. I dont hate all boys. NO, its just YOU! The way you look, the way you smell, the way…
Real Gross Training For Dirtface Daniel February 12, 2019 My fresh Hunter rubberboots are so dirty; theres mud sticking everywhere - the flawless challenge for a slavebitch and kindhearted like I am I…
Weight Humiliation And Special Program For Fat Loser Pigs June 1, 2017 What a fat pig you are?! How did you become so terribly fat and obnoxious? What has gone wrong in your life? Didnt Mom love you enough? Have the…