Poor Robert. He came home early from work to break up with his gf but when he got there his gf confronted him about another women pair of undies and a cell phone she found in their bed. She tells him how shes the one who should be cracking up with him. Who else is going to put up with being cheated on? Who else is going to slave away for his food, cigarettes, and stuff?Katelyn starts bitching about their lovemaking life too. When they got together she was getting some on a daily basis. Now hes only providing it to her every 3 days. Even however Katelyn has been cheated on once again shes not ready to let go of him. She requests they stay together! Then he embarks to shrink! Katelyn thought he looked a little shorter than usual and when she noticed he was shrinking it all came clear. He caught the shrinking virus that has been going around! She told him about the shrinking virus and became excited to see how little hed get. He shrunk down to tinier than an inch tall - smaller than her smallest fake penis! She jokingly told him that he may be tinier than her smallest fake penis but he most likely sure would feel good squirming around for his life inside her. Now she can get some action any time shed like! Ha. Katelyn then officially broke off the break up and told him how hed better start listening to her if he knows whats good for him. Katelyns definitely his boss at his new shrunken size and he knows it! Disobedience could lead to a lot of pain and torture on his end if hes not careful. As payback for trying to break up with Katelyn- she decides to torture him since hes so tiny and she can. She pushes her big toe into the carpet before him to show him how shell squish him like a bug if he doesnt obey her. She slams her foot into the floor making him go flying. She shows him her newly big power over him! She gets pissed about the other girls panties and nearly suffocates him in them and then proceeds to beat him with them. Next she traps him in one of her socks and slips it over her foot. She orders him to eat and drink her foot sweat and demands to feel his bloated foot sweat cheeks against her sole. She begins to miss him though and takes him out. Then she orders him to eat the dirt beneath her toe nails! After nearly crushing him a few more times she brings him up to the bed so he can finally give her some action. The only action shes been getting lately have been from her dildos. So now that hes such a helpless size we can only imagine how sexually terrifying his life is going to become, especially with how sexually demanding his girlfriend is!