Rafaella also heard about our sweaty socks challenge by one of her good friend on the site and it seems like she indeed wished to give it a attempt! She has been wearing the same pair of grey skinny ankle socks for a full week at work, and this loser slave will now have to deal with her sweaty socks and feet in his face for the next two hours if he wants to win this challenge! If he cant do it? Shell get the two hundred dollar bonus in cash! She is also coming back from a very long working day with her socked feet inwards her sneakers, so for sure its not gonna be an effortless task! She was truly planning to totally love that calming session on the couch with her sweaty feet on his face, and I am not the one who will blame her! Dreamgirls just deserve the best! Rafaella just makes sure the rules are clear, before she gives him the call to take her sneakers off, then instantly covers his face with her sweaty grey socks! Her cruel smile of satisfaction can easily tell thats its not gonna be an easy task! The smell was really strong, and really intense, but she just makes fun at him and rubs her sweaty socks all over his face! She makes him take some deep breaths in her socks, and makes him lick the dirty bottom of her socks! She also asks for a nice foot massage, and makes him tell that he really enjoys to have her sweaty feet on his face. It was really humiliating. Rafaella also makes him peels her socks off with his teeth, and just pushes both of her socks inside his mouth with her toes. She wants him to wash them! She takes pleasure again to rub her sweaty naked feet all over his face while watching her favorite TV show. She makes him sniff and lick the sweaty bottom of her soles, and just enjoys that first experience of owning a footslave! That was just another amazing first foot fetish experience!
Lackierte Fussngel Nahaufnahmen von meinen Fen! Dieses mal sind meine Fussngel rot lackiert!
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