My slave with the smallest manhood was behaved well today, so with my friend we determine to prize him. He is a excellent boot fetishist. Any type of boot excites him more than any part of a womans bod would. But every prize has its price, so before we permit him to adore our boots, lets give him some good healthy ballbusting. Hitting his ball sack is always good, sooner or later I will succeed in the goal of making him impotent. A few well-aimed kicks are enough and the mini cock immediately begs our mercy, which is granted to him after a few more kicks. We order him to lie on the ground and allow him to touch his little dick. Meanwhile, we also squeeze his balls as he squirms in pain. Who knows if this time do we really have any routes? While this loser jerks off, we also have another slave with us. He hasnt done that well, so he can only witness this other slaves reward. This fool dares to disturb us with his laughter, so with my friend we also give him a few whips. Meanwhile, the slave on the ground is about to cum, so to make him more aroused we allow him the luxury of our spits. Finally, I allow him to pour his filthy sperm on my beautiful red boots. As a thank you, the slut will have to lick everything to get my boots back as clean as before. When you are at the service of Mistress Gaia and her friends behaving well may be rewarded. However, misbehaving or disobedience means receiving severe .
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Ganz Weit Unten Wie tief bist du ruiniere behandele dich!!!
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Pantyhose Destruction – Dr Randy Moore Dr. Randy Moore is your therapist, and shell be blessed to treat your fetish for ...