After a long day of work, a bubble bath sounds so calming. I kick off my high-heeled slippers and undo my dress. Throw on my bath robe and begin to pack my bath. All of a unexpected I see movement in the corner of my closet. When I go to investigate I realize its a little man! I pick you up, how long have you been here? How much have you seen? Your tiny little boner poking from my pants allows me to know you have seen more than you can handle. I place you down on the floor and tell you that I will give you a tease of a lifetime. If you can hold your ejaculation until I say, I will set you free, however, if you cant, which I suspect you wont, you will be squashed like a bug under my sole. No one will ever know you ever existed. Will you be able to hold on long enough? Or will you be squashed under by gigantic foot?
Luna-fruit-02 Luna crushes a watermelon with her extreme sole rubber boots,the fruit has no ...
Bbw Lady Cathy Mistress Cathy knows that she weighs much but she dont care about this - she ...
Dein Sissy Traum Wird Wahr Eiskalt erwischt! Du bist eine kleine Sissy Sau und wichst nur noch auf Shemale ...
Complete Foot Treatment 3 Mistress Sandra orders her slave to take of her black nylon stockings and to ...
Polina’s Sweaty Feet Challenge –... Polina is a indeed hot twenty-one year old dame that I met at the Casino a few ...
Avery’s Cruel Challenge – High Quality Holy Fuck! Let me introduce you here one of the most violent and sexy goddess on ...
Wunderschne Prinzessinen Fischnetz Fe Anbetung Oh he, Loser. Ich wei ja wie sehr du meine hbschen Prinzessinen Fe liebst. Ich ...
Cars Under Ginas Peep Toes Gina crushes two Cars under her high heel peep toes.
Crush Little Strangers These little strangers in my flat will be punished with my heels!
Beginner Sissy Task Four Do you know what I see when I look at your forearms? Ugly, ass MAN HANDS! Theyre ...