There you are again... on the floor... ready to be used as a human doormat by me! Look at my sexy Buffalo boots - theyre fairly dirty from the last walk... somehow I need to get them clean again - fortunately your face makes such a superb doormat! Oh, the hard heels and the deep tread hurt you when I walk over your face and stomp out the dirt on it?! Well, thats the fate of a living doormat! And everything thats still left on the boots afterwards, youll lick from them - until theyre nicely clean and shiny again!
Mistress Gaia – Whipping Ponyboy Today I was to have a ponyplay session with my slave. However, when I arrived my ...
Ausbildung Zum Mlleimer Nachdem du dich nun als Mlleimer bei mir beworben hast, werde ich dir nun deine ...
Knallharte Toilettenerziehung Da hast du nun extra gewartet und berstunden gemacht, um mal gaaanz allein im ...
5 Dreadful Tasks Hello wank puppies, its time for some degrading and dreadful task. Look at you. ...
Du Atmest Nur Wann Ich Es Will Ich kontrolliere hier den Atem des Eigentums! Was fr viele selbstverstndlich ist ...
We Spit At You This is real xxx humiliation. We start using the slave as our ashtray and we ...
July B S Feet Miss July B shows her sneakers, her sweaty socks and and her sexy, but smelly ...
Rejected This dude thought he was in for a amazing night, bringing us back to his ...
Mistress Gaia – Three Human Ashtrays Today Im with two of my mistress friends and we are having a relieving talk, ...
Pillow Smother 2 Murderotica comes out of nowhere and smothers Walter with a cushion! She must of ...