We are utterly glad that a very popular mistress is back - LADY LA belle! two years ago we worked with her for the very first time and get lots of positive responses. maybe this is a result not only of her beauty, but also of her natural sadism. she is also a professional equestrienne so she knows how to tame ones mind. the best is yet, that she got more fluent and speaks now in clips german language!. very first clip is showcasing this screenplay: are already imprisoned in a state where cruel women are ruling. its early in the morning and you are sleeping but get ordered to wake up for a next round of an interrogation of officer labelle. with a sharp voice she demands you to give in into the points YOU are accused. first YOU resist, but officer labelle has her own method to get the truth out from YOU! and her methods are quite simple: thrashing YOUR backside with a flexible black cane til YOU give in. YOU think YOU do not? dont know officer labelle yet. in the end YOU say everything she wants to hear, well striped and beaten to a pulp! excellent femdom pov caning clip with a real cruel mistress! clip duration: 09. 40 mins.