getting on all fours down YOU already hear the footsteps of YOUR goddess before the door opens. and then she shows up. dressed fully in well, now lets commence she says with glad she chooses her cane and asking YOU: how many strokes YOU would like? 10? YOU make and where should they land? on YOUR backside? make 10 on YOUR back and 10 on YOUR front - on YOUR puny lil dick! because he needs to get some will hurt the okay lets YOU dont wanna count? YOU cant? means three she and again and well, still not counting? okay, i will start again and this time i after these dose of strokes YOU cock is in turn and it is forbidden that its getting in action if it is not hit by the cane!... of course YOU cant hold but as funny as katharina is in notice every lack of every lack means extras and and if YOU think YOU are a thicker judical cane will follow and it YOUR day of pain will begin CLIP! GERMAN LANGUAGE!!! clip duration: 9. 42 mins, quicktime high resolution 768 x 576 px.