here is insa again in that clothing, that fits so ideal to her: crimson skirt, black pants and those phantastic high heel white boots. those are pretty sharp at the tip, have some nice attatchments and the black, where it can hurt YOU!!! clip starts with a good dose of closeups to them, so enough time for YOU to study the details or to get YOUR tongue to action? who the camera is moving towards that statuesque figure, showing the beauty of that nordic looking face. ins is smoking then a cigarette. but YOU are not allowed to look at her for a long time, because YOU will be commanded from her down to her do what slaves have to do!!! more details even shows YOU the details of her black next great clip for fans of softer domination and fans of boots! clip duration: 4. 50 mins, quicktime high resolution 768 x 576 px rendered with h. 264-codec.