Youre a fairie hiding in the grass, closely watching Katelyn search for your kind. She walks back and forward and almost crushes you under her footwear! She then kneels down to take a closer look in the grass and finds you. She picks you up and tells you that youre going to be her lunch because she loves eating delicious little fairies like you because youre so sweet and so effortless to crush. She asks how it looks in her big broad open mouth and tells you not to worry- its not going to hurt too much. Within only a few minutes youll very likely drown inwards her stomach. By the time the acids start ripping you apart you probably wont even be alive any more. Katelyn cant wait any longer because shes soooo hungry. She places you on the bottom of her shirt and has you crawl the whole way up, between and past her boobs, up her throat, the whole way up to her lips. You made it! Before eating you she tells you how shes going to find more fairies after you and shred the meat and fat off their bones and toss the remains into the stream behind her. You then get a wide open view of her mouth and throat for a little while before she swallows you whole! Katelyn gulps deeply, rubs her boobs, and hopes she absorbs your fairie magic so she can use it to grow. She then looks in the grass again for more where that came from!