Includes female dom pov - black female supremacy - snot fetish - slobber fetish - slobbering - blowing nose - coughing - cold - streaming eyes - mouth fetish - ASMR - verbal humiliation - cock tease I have had the most rotten cold ever! Im just starting to recover from it. But Im in that awful phase where Im like a bogey bucket! You know, where you blow and blow and blow your nose but somehow theres always a bit of snot hanging around waiting to make an appearance straight afterwards?Yeah. Fucking irritating! Thats why I called you. Because you always said to me if ever Im suffering from a cold I should give you a call and you will take all my bogeys and spit and horrid cold stuff and swallow them all! Well, pretty gross. But then again I am getting seriously vexed with having to blow my nose continuously. Ive come up with a way that you can get all the snot from my coldy cold nose and swallow it all up for me! Come .
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