THE Joy HOUSE PART 5 THE LOSER FLOOR: SHITFACE IS DASHED TO THE GROUND: Not long ago its poor housing was the only place where its Masochistic Hellions didnt cause any harm to it. Today Shitfaces former bedroom has transformed into the centre of its total indignity. GODDESS GLORIA and MASTER HUMILIATOR have seized its hovel and transformed it into a Joy HOUSE of EXTREME EMOTIONAL SADISM walkable for EVERYBODY. Live on cam GODDESS GLORIA and THE HUMILIATOR present THEIR NEWEST DEVILTRY tot he jeering crowd THE LOSER FLOOR. SHITFACE is totally concreted into the floor at THE DIVINE FEET of HIS TWO Sadomasochistic Hooligans. Only its ugly head looks out of a slot in the carpet. Haughty in HER mink GODDESS GLORIA THE VENUS IN FURS - is sitting enthroned far above Shitface and is sticking HER outrageously expensive, italian Leather Boots toward HER poor humiliation slave for a good licking. While shitface is licking HER shoes SHE prepares a new freakin awsome disgrace for HER little bootlicker in THE LOSER FLOOR. SHE had a heavenly night with HER SUPERHUMANLY POTENT LOVER THE HUMILIATOR - and now SHE takes a MEGA-SIZE CONDOM filled with SUPERIOR MASTER CUM and empty it all over HER DIVINE BOOTS. While all the people are laughing at shitface behind the cam the wimp hast o lick all the CUM of its MASTER off the shoes of its two SUPER MEAN BULLIES. WE are awfully sorry but the jeering laughter of the audience is so hard that you cant hear the sobs of the poor deeply ashamed loser-parents who are to watch this GREAT HUMILIATION of their loser breed on their knees WARNING!!! THE FUN HOUSE CLIPS CONTAIN EXTREME EMOTIONAL SADISM!!! THEY ARE PROBABLY THE MOST HUMILIATING CLIPS WE HAVE EVER SHOT!!! NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED!!!
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