MPEG VersionThese Women LOVE being brats laughing at Their slaves. After ballbusting slave1, They order slave2 to kneel at Their feet and spread his gams so They can step on his stiffy nutsack, kinda like accelerating on a car pedal. Miss Chloe Amour is in leather boots Miss Liv Aguilera is in mary jane-style high high-heeled slippers. Both Ladies stand up wTheir full weight on his junk all while calling him a loser laughing hyseterically. They know this slave cant handle much ballbusting at all, but They dont care, They dish him out some light kicks which makes him groan and They LOVE it! Just like Miss Chloes interview on Twitter, the Girls love watching a boy keel over in pain grunt n moan from ball pain. His reward: Miss Chloe Amour stands on his cock n balls sticks Her ass just close enough to his face for him to smooch Her gorgeous ass in those amazing black tights. And, he gets to remove both of Miss Aguileras heels so he can sniff smooch Her stocking-clad feet. His final reward is getting to remove just ONE of Chloe Amours boots so he can give Her sweaty bare foot a long! What a lucky slave!